We are proud to announce that on the last weekend of May, from the 25th to the 28th, we will be hosting an outstanding event, celebrating artists and performers from all around the world. It’s a pay as you can event and everyone is not only welcome but encouraged to attend. We spoke to Merry Colchester who is putting on the event to find out more. Find links to the tickets (you will need to book in advance) down below and a list of acts and timings in the poster above! Hope to see you there.
Hi Merry, thank you so much for taking the time to tell us a bit more about this exciting event. Can you give us a little insight into what exactly is going to be happening at the Copperdollar Studios on the weekend of May 25th-28th?
Its 14 various shows from around the world, Performance art, stand up, comedy theatre, clown, film and cabernet. We have performers from Russia, Israel, Germany, France, Italy and Britain, and maybe more! From highly experienced old shows to fresh new ones. The is also an exhibition in the downstairs space with painting, pottery, animation, film & an audio tour of the local laundrettes.
We’ve got the highly experienced ‘Phil Kay’, local legend ‘Naive Dance Masterclass’, Edinburgh’s highlights ‘How Deep Is Your Duff?’ & ‘Stepdads’ and the famous family show ‘Ambiguous Vagabond’. Also have the film ‘Granny Project’ screening on Monday night, winner of the MDR Leipzig award and won best documentary year Hungry Critics Award. We have the best of Gaulier clowns coming in the form of ‘Stupid Zoo’, ‘When I was Zoro’ & ‘Lemons’… And coming all the way from Italy are ‘Goodbye… I’m Leaving!’
It sounds amazing, what inspired you to put this all together?
Bob Slayer was doing a venue which I was gonna perform in and it fell through so I thought I’d run one instead!
I’ve always wanted to run a mini theatre at Copperdollar Studios, as it’s such a great space so here was an opportunity.
We’re glad you love the studios! So, how did you find and chose the acts?
Mainly they are shows me or Amy Cooper (the co-host) have seen & like or ones that have been recommended to us. They’re all really good – we’ve had to turn down lots of others!
Are there any recurring themes in the acts or are they all stand alone pieces?
There all stand alone so you can come and watch one or all of them and they’ll make sense.
The Sunday night Cabaret sounds really fun, what’s it going to involve?
It’s basically a mashup of all the shows happening over the weekend condensed into 2 hours plus bit of new extra spice – definitely the thing to check out if you’re busy and don’t want to miss out.
We love that you have an array of mixed media artists for the open gallery part of the event, what motivated you to add this into the event?
We wanna make Copperdollar Studios into a fun hub for the bank holiday – we want people to be able to hang out. We’re gonna have a little bar to selling drinks and we’re all gonna dress up and be very silly over the whole weekend with lots of games and play happening.
Well we can’t wait – where can we book our tickets?
As you’ve said, it iss a Pay What You Feel scheme, so you can either turn up and pay at end of show OR if the show may sell out (which will be the case for the later shows) then book in advance (again pay what you feel).
Here is the Facebook page, with ticket link:
OR direct link to tickets here: