A few weeks ago, the super talented Lu’Ami shot her new music video in the studios. We wanted to find out more about her and her music. Thankfully, we managed to catch her for a quick chat. Here is what we discovered!
What got you into music and how did you find your unique style?
I first got into music at the age of 7 when my babysitter taught me recorder, then joined a gospal choir and fell in love with harmonies. I played flute but was never able to support my singing with an instrument (singing and playing flute at the same time proved rather difficult), so I taught myself how to use the RC505 loop station, and to produce my own music. Using these tools, I combine harmonies and layers of percussion and synths to make a backing for my songs.
How do you start writing your songs? Where do you find inspiration?
Whatever I feel strongly about, I write about. I find it hard to decidedly write a song about a subject without having some connection to the subject. I prefer to write songs from a place of passion and I find this attracts people to also feel a connection to the music. I usually start writing songs by getting a synth sound or a strange vocal sound through weird production effects or my loop pedal. I like to roll with the first thing that comes out because it comes from a place detached from my overthinking mind – most of the time it inspires a whole song.
So far, where has been your favourite place to perform and why?
I have two! Firstly Berlin at this bar called Madame Claudes. It used to be a brothel and has the weirdest decor I have ever seen, including furniture on the ceiling and a transparent plastic toilet door, the weirder the better in my view.
Secondly, my ‘Better’ EP launch last year. It was an immersive installation based on the concept of growth incorporating a sustainable fashion show to raise awareness of climate change. We raised thousands of pounds on Kickstarter, to spread a message of self awareness and empowerment.

How did you hear about the studios?
My friend mentioned that she had shot a film there previously, so we went to check it out and it was perfect for our plant extravaganza!
Can you tell us a little bit about what you’ve worked on recently at the Copperdollar Studios?
We kitted the Hayloft studio out with plants that we collected from various friends, and performed a small gig while shooting a live video for my upcoming release ‘Love’.
What do you like most about the Copperdollar Studios and what would you say makes it different from other studios you’ve used?
I loved the shape of the studio, the placement of the windows on only one side and the length of the space made it perfect for what we needed. It has a rustic feel with the old bricks and windowless doors at the end (which were very useful for lighting!), and the hanging lights gave the extra touch needed for our video. I am big fan of repurposing items so the fact it was converted from an old carpenters workshop was very fitting.

Thanks to Lu’Ami for taking the time to help with this blog. It was great to have you in the studios!
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